It's beginning to look a lot like a paperback!
Latest estimate is that Sell the Pig should be out as a real, hold it in your hand paperback book by mid January 2013. It has a brand new cover picture, which I hope you will all like, and there are some images inside (black and white in this first edition) so you should finally be able to put names to faces.
I do hope you will like this new version, it has some minor changes from the Kindle version. Perhaps if you enjoyed reading it on Kindle, you might be kind enough to suggest the paperback to your friends.
Here's a quick sneak peek at what the new cover looks like:
and yes, for those of you who magnify it enough to read, I know there's a typo there, it will be picked up on the next round :)
I'll keep you all posted here, on Twitter and on Facebook, the Dark Side, when I get final confirmation of the release date.