Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A blog about a book

Well, I've finally done it. After writing many blogs for clients, I've given in to pressure and am starting my own. Those of you who have kindly read Sell the Pig have all said you would have liked to have seen pictures of the people and places I wrote about, and are looking forward to a sequel.

This blog is the place where I hope to give you some snippets. It's where I also hope people will pop in and feel free to leave their comments, good or bad, about Sell the Pig and to tell me what things in particular you'd like to read about in the sequel.

I'll try and post some pictures but I'm not very techie and it will take me a while to get the hang of this. I'm also not the sort of writer who thinks it's essential to blog every five minutes. So I'll probably only update it about once a week but I promise to try to keep an eye on things and respond as quickly as I can to your comments.

If I don't, just give me a poke on either Facebook  or Twitter!/tottielimejuice and I'll come whizzing back to respond.

Those of you who have read Sell the Pig will know that Mother and my dog Meic were two of the most important characters, and central to the whole business of moving to France. So it's only right that my first picture should be of the two of them together, long-suffering Meic in his role of Santa's little helper, visiting Mother in the home in St Helens where she was so well looked after.

Thanks for following me on my little blog and thanks for all your kind interest in both my book and my somewhat unusual family!


  1. Well done Tots!

    So pleased you've decided to take the plunge. Really looking forward to see your pictures: a grand one of Mum & Meic.

    Bon chance, pob lwc & all that :)

    Carl x

    1. Thanks Carl, I promise to do a better job with the links next time! Hwyl fawr. Tots x

  2. Lovely to see real pics to reinforce the imaginary ones in your wonderful book "Sell The Pig"....

    1. Thanks, Fiona, I have plenty more to post, just don't want to bore everyone by posting too often! What would you like to see in particular?

  3. Lovely to see you've started to blog with pictures. I don't know where you find the time to fit everything in (books,blogs,upgrading the grot rage etc), but ever so grateful that you did..such a lovely photo of your Mum & Meic.

    1. Thank you! You missed out working from the list :) I sometimes wonder where the time goes, I still have so much to do. Book 2, or possibly Book 3, will be all about the grottage, I promise.
